The Board of Southern Queensland experienced the classic country charm of south-west Queensland when they travelled to Cunnamulla and Eulo for Community Conversations in October.
The Directors met with land managers and community leaders in Cunnamulla and Eulo to listen to the community’s vision for flourishing landscapes and healthy communities. Company Secretary Pamela Murphy said the Community Conversations were a great hit with the locals, with many practical insights coming out of the meetings.
“Southern Queensland Landscapes deeply values the opinions of our community; it’s how we make sure our projects focus on the best outcomes for our land managers,” Pamela Murphy said.
While they were there, the Board accompanied SQ Landscapes Project Officers on site visits, and even visited some of the south-west’s greatest attractions.
“We were greeted with such hospitality by the community of south-west Queensland, and were even treated to a visit to the Cunnamulla Fella statue,” Mrs Murphy said.
The Board of Southern Queensland Landscapes warmly invites current members, land managers and other interested stakeholders to the Annual General Meeting happening 2 December. LEARN MORE:
The Board of Southern Queensland Landscapes visits the Cunnamulla Fella statue.
While out west, the Board visited project sites while hosting Community Conversations in Cunnamulla and Eulo.
Toowoomba - 266 Margaret St. QLD 4350
Roma - 21 Major St. QLD 4455
Charleville - 92 Alfred Street. QLD 4470
St George - 1/11 Grey Street. QLD 4487