Richard Turnbull

Richard Turnbull

My name is Richard Turnbull and as a youth I grew up in Chinchilla. I’m undertaking the Cultural Broker role which is a component of SQ Landscapes Regional Delivery Panel project.


My father was a Bigambul man and my mother is a Mithaka woman. I was taught about the Country by my father (plants, animals, water, his story growing up in Toobeah) and my mother taught me Connection (people, communities and her story growing up in Cunnamulla).


I have a BASc (EH) with over 20 years experience working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people across Queensland and Central Australia. Working for Public Health Units in rural and remote areas servicing ATSI Peoples to ensure that their health and wellbeing is maintained.


Today I am committed to transfer knowledge and obligations to youth to ensure that they have the courage and compassion to ensure that the health and wellbeing of people and country is sustained.


If your Country is sick your people are sick, but if you Country is healthy your people are healthy.

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