SQ Landscapes acknowledges that First Nations of Southern Queensland have looked after natural assets for tens of thousands of years and that a combination of First Nation science and knowledge and other approaches can help make Country stronger.
Stronger Landscapes is an emergency preparedness and response plan for biodiversity and agricultural natural assets in Southern Queensland.Emergency events including natural disasters like flood, fire and drought impact our lives, economy and the environment.Please share your experiences and ideas of how we can work better together to prepare for and recover better from these events.See what the Stronger Landscapes Plan is about and provide your thoughts using the button at the bottom of this page.
on risks to National, State and Regional biodiversity and natural agricultural assets
Agricultural Natural Assets provide food and fibre for people, animals and industry and include:
Based on your experiences and thoughts, how do we work together to address the following events on the areas shown in this map?
An increase in more intense and larger impact area of wildfires.
Increases in heatwaves when the maximum and minimum temperatures are unusually hot for more than 3 days.
Increase in variability/changes in seasons due to climate change including droughts.
Strong winds and storms can affect up to 19% of the area of natural assets in SQ.
Increased localised flooding due to more isolated and intense rainfall events.
Pest plants and animals including new outbreaks.
Impact of plant and animal diseases, especially new outbreaks.
Local Government and Emergency Services – Local Disaster Management Plans and Disaster Management Groups
Local Government and Biosecurity Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Forestry)
– Biosecurity Plans
Queensland Emergency Services – Rural Fire Brigades, State Emergency Services
Australian, State and Local Governments, First Nations, Landholders, Industry and Non Government Organisations:
Other responses include:
The Great Artesian Basin underpins $2 billion in economic activity annually and supports unique plants and animals
Tourism worth $1.3 billion
Plant Communities of National Environmental Significance – 27% of SQ
Habitat for animals and plants of National Environmental Significance is likely in 36% of SQ
Protected Areas and Nature Refuges - 7% of SQ
Cropping worth $1.6 billion
Cropping 2.5 million ha - 8% of SQ
Main Range World Heritage Area
Grazing on 26 million ha - 83% of the area of SQ
Currawinya Ramsar Wetlands of International Significance
Supported through funding from the Australian Government.
This project is funded by the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust and delivered by Southern Queensland Landscapes, a member of the Commonwealth Regional Delivery Partners Panel
Toowoomba - 266 Margaret St. QLD 4350
Roma - 21 Major St. QLD 4455
Charleville - 92 Alfred Street. QLD 4470
St George - 1/11 Grey Street. QLD 4487